Dear Sir or Madam,
We hope this email finds you well.
We are delighted to inform you that we are launching 2024 e-Learning courses which are aimed at helping your licensees fulfil the SFC requirements on Continuous Professional Training (CPT).
With effect from 1 January 2022, the revised SFC requirements on CPT are summarized as below:

Licensed Representative (LR)
  • A minimum of 10 CPT hours per calendar year;
  • Regardless of the number of regulated activities he/she engages in;
  • 5 CPT hours (out of 10 hours) directly relevant to the regulated activities (e.g. applicable compliance, legislative and regulatory standards, business conduct, market developments, new financial products and risk management systems) for which he/she is licensed at the time the CPT hours are undertaken;
  • CPT hours should be allocated to cover practice areas of the licensee in proportion to the time and effort he/she spends in each practice area.
Responsible Officer (RO)
  • At least 12 CPT hours per calendar year;
  • 2 CPT hours on topics relating to regulatory compliance;
  • 5 CPT hours (out of 12 hours) directly relevant to the regulated activities (e.g. applicable compliance, legislative and regulatory standards, business conduct, market developments, new financial products and risk management systems) for which he/she is licensed at the time the CPT hours are undertaken;
  • CPT hours should be allocated to cover practice areas of the licensee in proportion to the time and effort he/she spends in each practice area.
Individual first becomes a LR/RO In addition to the above requirements:
  • Within 12 months after a person first becomes a LR/RO (i.e. first joins the financial industry in Hong Kong), undertake 2 CPT hours on ethics (e.g. integrity, fairness, due care and diligence, good faith, objectivity, best interests of clients, treating clients fairly, avoidance of conflicts of interest and confidentiality of clients’ information)
  • Thereafter, complete at least 2 CPT hours per calendar year on topics to ethics or complianceTopics relating to “compliance”: legal and regulatory framework for the financial industry, codes of conduct and industry guidelines issued by regulatory authorities, as well as policies and guidelines set out by individual corporations internally or by other professional bodies. 
Note: Additional requirements apply to licensees who engage in the sponsor work of a corporation and Codes of Takeovers transaction work.  Please refer to Paragraph 5.3 of the SFC Guidelines on Continuous Professional Training for details.
Our e-Learning courses are delivered via an e-Learning platform. After you have successfully enrolled in the courses, you will receive user login details to the platform and within 2 weeks you can access the e-Learning courses in the comfort of your office or home and a certificate of completion will be awarded.

We offer attractive rates for the e-Learning course, please click here for details.   To enroll the course(s) for your LR/ROs, please fill in this online enrollment form . 
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email . 


Best regards,
ComplianceDirect Consulting Limited

ComplianceDirect Consulting Limited
Address: Unit 2, 10/F, Cheong K. Building, 84 & 86 Des Voeux Road Central, Central, Hong Kong
Phone: 2606 1800