


感謝每一位投票支持我的市民,您們的支持,令我倍感責任重大,我會繼續戰戰兢兢,不負大家所託,認真落實「樂活安居 閃亮西九」的政綱,推動香港革新求變,持續為民生做實事。




To all my fellow citizens in Kowloon West:

Hello, I am Vincent Cheng from DAB. 

Thanks to all my supporters, I won the 2021 Legislative Election with 64,353 votes. 

I am here to express my hearfelt thanks to all the citizens who have voted for me. Your support laid the foundation of my job and I will try all my best to perform actual deeds for people’s livelihoods in the coming four years. 

“Make It Shine, West Kowloon.”
I am determined to achieve my campaign slogan as well as reform, seek changes for the future.

I am also grateful to citizens who did not vote for me. My team and I will continue to listen to different voices and work harder in the Council in hopes of earning your recognition.

Once again, I would like to sincerely thank my team and my fellow volunteers. My succes would have not been possible without your support. My election campaign count on the unlimited support of my team and all volunteers. I will definitely do all my best to deserve your trust in the coming four years.

Thanks for your support! Thank you!
Vincent Cheng
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